“I was going to give up and get a job…”

Mia was running a lifestyle accountancy business that wasn’t giving her the lifestyle she wanted, in fact, it was consuming her life. She was stressed, worried, not sleeping, not spending time with her family and not earning the income she really wanted to.

Discover how Mia turned this around in to a thoroughly enjoyable, growing accounting business that’s enabling her the life she really wants.

Mia got clarity about the way forward by speaking with an AVN Practice Growth Expert. Why not start a conversation and book a 20 minute no-strings discovery call?

Click here to reserve a slot 

“This 13 second video about January tax returns will astound you…”

If January tax return season is not an absolute breeze for you then be inspired by this short 13 second video. This is the impact of putting the right mechanisms in place.

Marc got clarity about the way forward by speaking with an AVN Practice Growth Expert. Why not start a conversation and book a 20 minute no-strings discovery call?

Click here to reserve a slot 

“It’s just been 3 months and the impact has been fantastic”

Bernadette shares her excitement of improving her client acquisition processes and winning more clients, pricing, cashflow and time management, all in just 3 months. Discover what she did to achieve this.

Want to find out more? Book a 20 minute discovery call.

“I’m in control and you helped me do that”

The right coach can transform the way you work and the way your accountancy practice runs. Watch the video to see how Neel’s life and business have changed through AVN’s coaching and training.

Want to find out more? Book a 20 minute discovery call.

“I bought a business that was just a mess”

Jim Norrington of TC group shares what he’s gained from working with AVN. His journey has taken him from not knowing where to start, to a place where he absolutely loves what he does. He’s happy, his team are happy and he has the confidence to properly value (and price) his services.

Jim started by talking to an AVN Practice Growth Expert. Why not start a conversation and book a 20 minute no-strings discovery call?

Click here to reserve a slot 

How To Dive Into Advisory Work - Even If You're Scared

Advisory is a scary word for many accountants.

But it doesn’t have to be.

In this interview with Gloria Murray of Xeinadin Murray Associates, you’ll learn how she transitioned from traditional accounting to a thriving business advisory service. She reveals how advisory can be a game-changer for both your clients and your practice, even for small firms dealing with small businesses.

How Angela Reclaimed Her Time And Boosted Productivity With AVN

Struggling with long hours and overwhelming workloads, Angela’s accountancy practice faced significant challenges.

Here she shares how AVN’s tailored coaching and innovative strategies revolutionised her business, leading to remarkable time management improvements, team productivity boosts, and an enviable work-life balance. This video is more than a success story—it’s a roadmap for accountants seeking to transform their practice while prioritising what truly matters: family, health, and personal growth.

Dive in to see how AVN can redefine success for you!

Taking control, engaging the team and becoming leaders after a management buy-out.

Matt and Sally had bought their practice on a 5 year buy-out.

But, they were trying to be their previous boss rather than making their business their own and engaging their team.

Discover how Clear Vision Accountancy, now led by the dynamic husband-wife director duo, overcame overwhelming challenges to transform their team dynamics and client services.

Matthew and Sally Rogers share their inspiring journey of redefining their business purpose and values, revamping service packages, and engaging their team in a comprehensive overhaul that not only salvaged client relationships but also led to winning the esteemed Customer Committed Team award.

This video is a must-watch for accountants seeking real-world insights into turning business adversity into a triumphant success story.

"Queen of Profit" Accountant Shares Secrets to Business Advisory Success

Discover how Gloria, transformed her practice into a beacon of business advisory excellence.

Winning five national awards, Gloria’s approach isn’t just about compliance; it’s about guiding businesses through challenges to achieve sustainable growth.

In this inspiring video, uncover her unique strategies, including a focus on dream lifestyles, smart bookkeeping, and client accountability, which led to remarkable client success stories.

See how Gloria’s passion and innovative methods propelled her practice to new heights and why her insights are invaluable for any accountant aiming for excellence.

Revolutionary Accountant Wins Changing Lives Award

Discover how Peter Ellington, leading a 12-person team at Triple Bottom Line Accounting, is redefining accountancy with a focus on people, planet, and prosperity.

From escaping corporate life to influencing global change, Peter’s journey is a testament to how accountants can be agents of environmental and social transformation.

With their firm tripling in size and winning national accolades, their story is not just about professional success, but about making a real impact on the world. Tune in to learn how this award-winning approach can inspire and reshape your practice.

Motivated, Focussed and Committed since gaining Practice wide Clarity

In this enlightening video, Rashesh, a trailblazer in digital cloud-based accounting, shares his journey towards exceptional business clarity.

His story is one of resilience, innovation, and dedication. Facing challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of a fellow partner and inspirational figure, Rashesh and Ashish and their team at Alexander Rosse redefined their core purpose and strategy, leading to substantial growth and client engagement.

Accountants seeking inspiration and practical advice on navigating their practices through tumultuous times and into prosperous futures will find Rashesh’s insights invaluable. His emphasis on emotionally connecting clients with their numbers and his team’s unwavering commitment, even outside traditional work hours, sets a new benchmark in the industry. Watch and discover how a clear vision and a dedicated team can drive your practice to new heights.

Accountant Transforms Work-Life Balance, Now You Can Too!

Discover how Usman turned his life around. Once trapped in a cycle of endless work, including weekends, Usman’s journey from burnout to breakthrough is nothing short of inspiring. Faced with the stark reality of getting nowhere, he took a bold step: doing less and delegating more. But there was a catch – he had to maintain his high standards.

Watch the video to uncover how Usman not only transformed his work habits but also empowered his team to uphold excellence. The result? He now enjoys the freedom to choose his hours, rarely works evenings or weekends, and dedicates time to nurture his team. This new approach has not only allowed him to scale up his practice but also to increase client capacity, all while working fewer hours and significantly reducing stress. Witness this remarkable journey and learn how you can replicate Usman’s success in your own practice.

Chas takes laser approach to winning AWESOME clients

Fed up with the fees and quality of his clients, Chas embarked on repositioning his practice in the market place.

Rather than being comparible to every other accountant, he differentiated and stood out.

Creating a laser focussed approach to targeting his ‘ideal’ clients.

The results are phenomenal, he’s getting high quality enquiries and high quality referrals leading to new high quality clients paying premium fees. He’s quoting fees over £40,000 per year.

30 - 40 enquiries per week smashes revenue glass ceiling

Discover how Michael smashed through his revenue glass ceiling by £75,000 in 3 months, generating 20 – 30 enquiries per week by implementing Profile raising strategies into his practice.

There are many ways to raise your profile, both on-line and off-line. Michael chose the route that took him out of his comfort zone and he is now reaping the rewards.

How this accountant took control over her clients

Discover the inspiring story of Tracey Jones from WhiteCross Accountancy Ltd. 

Tracey’s journey is not just about survival, but about thriving in the face of adversity. You’ll learn how she overcame the challenges of running her own practice, from dealing with cash flow issues to repricing clients. 

Watch as she shares her experiences of AVN, where she found the support and tools she needed to succeed. Tracey’s story is a testament to the power of resilience, the importance of seeking help when you need it, and the incredible results that come from changing your mindset.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from Tracey’s experiences and apply them to your own journey. Watch now!

"I would 100% recommend The KnowHow Club"

“The value that we’ve got out of it is amazing – within a couple of months we’ve seen our turnover increase purely by adopting a few things that are mentioned in the videos.”

The Accountants KnowHow Club is packed with resources, advice and training to help you take your accounting business to where you want to go.

For the price of a couple of cups of coffee each month, isn’t it worth trying it out?

Get a 1 month trial for just £1 – https://knowhowclub.thrivecart.com/accountants/

"Joining AVN was the best thing I ever did"

Alan used to dread going in to work. He was working so many hours it was affecting his health, both mental and physical. Something had to change.

Initially Alan thought AVN would be too elite for his small practice. He worried that if he changed his approach, his cashflow would suffer and he’d lose clients, even that his business would fall apart.

Here, Alan shares the story of how he has transformed his practice in the months since he began working with AVN.

"Our turnover has grown by 350% since working with AVN"

Listen to how Chris Brown has grown his practice and increased turnover by 350% since working with AVN.

Here he explains what a difference it’s made to have his AVN Practice Growth Expert as a sounding board and to give him the confidence to keep progressing. 

"Before we started working with AVN the business was just chaos"

Anna Sharlott’s practice used to be chaotic, and 60 – 80 hour weeks were the norm. In this interview she shares the difference that working with AVN has made and why she’s excited about the future.

Winner of the 2022 AVN Changing Lives Award - Brown & Co

Chris Brown has worked hard to make his team feel valued and empowered, which means he has more time to give back to his local community.

Winner of the 2022 AVN High Profile Practice Award - Dawn McLaughlin & Co

Dawn McLaughlin explains why being a high profile practice isn’t enough in itself and why she’s giving back to the business community in Northern Ireland.

Winner of the 2022 AVN Consistently High Standards Award - Clearstone Business Services

When they took over another accountancy firm Clearstone Business Services turned chaos into consistency through careful systemisation.

Winner of the 2022 AVN Customer Committed Team Award - Cunninghams

You can’t have great customer service without a great team – Cunninghams have worked hard to re-engage their disunited team. And it’s worked brilliantly!

Winner of the 2022 AVN Business Advisory Award - Heelan Associates

The team at Heelan Associates are all stepping up to deliver added value to their clients – and they’re getting fantastic results.

Winner of the 2022 AVN Practice Differentiation Award - Heighten Accountants

Positioning the firm as creating ‘Happy Business Owners’ has brought more of the right kind of clients to this accountancy practice, meaning the team can deliver a brilliant service.

Winner of the 2022 AVN Business Clarity Award - EP Tax

In just a few months, Anna and Tiffany at EP Tax have systemised their practice so they can deliver more and better services to their clients. They know exactly where they’re going and they’re bringing their team along with them too.

"An inspiring woman and an inspiring accountant" - Hazel Bango-Moyo, Primorial Solutions

How the winner of the AVN Most Inspiring Accountant Award 2022 took control and turned her tiny accountancy practice into a thriving business.

Hazel Bango-Moyo of Primorial Solutions and her coach, Emma Slack, explain how she’s created a systemised, successful business that gives her the freedom to do only the work she wants to do.

Traditional 9 partner firm sees team and client happiness rocket as it progresses to modern advisory firm

“The improvements are literally countless.”

Nigel Bennett of Hallidays shares the difference that joining AVN has made to his accounting firm – how they can now help their clients in so many more ways and how that’s resulted in a much more flexible business and a huge increase in team happiness.

"I love the systems ... support is first class ... fantastic!" One accountant's experience of AVN

Accountant Carl Postians shares his experience of working with AVN. In just a few weeks it’s helping him to structure his practice, be more productive and actually enjoy what he does!

How AVN helped this accountant achieve his aspirations

“Every penny I’ve spent has been repaid 10 times over”

Paul Johns began working with AVN as a startup, but he had a passion for advisory. In this brief recount he talks about his journey with AVN and how it enabled him to build a client base of advisory clients without getting involved in the compliance work.

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - Changing Lives Award

This award is about a team wide commitment to making a difference, using the business as a force for good – with your team, with your clients and also in the local and wider community, as well as making a difference in the world.

And the winner is… Phil Tarbun of Blend Accountants.

The whole team at Blend is committed to doing everything they can to support their clients and their community, through the bad times as well as the good.

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - Consistently High Standards Award

This award is about putting systems in place and utilising technology to ensure that every piece of work, every client meeting and everything else in the practice is performed to an incredibly high standard – every time.

And the winner is… Phil Tarbun of Blend Accountants.

The systems at Blend run so effectively that Phil only has to be there when he wants to be – the practice runs brilliantly without him, continuing to grow in his absence.

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - High Profile Practice Award

This award is about sending your message out into the marketplace and getting the right people (your ideal clients) to take notice.

And the winner is… Dan Heelan of Heelan Associates.

Dan has had phenomenal success with the videos he posts on his YouTube channel (which now has more than 10,000 subscribers). His ‘how to’ videos for business owners get thousands of views and they lead directly to new leads and new clients.

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - Business Advisory Award

This award is about delivering exceptional value to clients; measuring the numbers that matter to them; and holding them accountable so they can take action to move forwards.

And the winner is… Phil Tarbun of Blend Accountants.

Phil shares the incredible value that he and his team deliver, helping his clients to grow their businesses, become more profitable and of course, stay loyal to their amazing accountant.

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - Practice Differentiation Award

This award is about differentiating your practice from your competitors to the extent that you’re simply incomparable. It’s about digging deep into what your ideal clients really want and need and then delivering those services every single day.

And the winner is… Phil Tarbun of Blend Accountants.

Phil explains how he and his team have a laser focus on their ideal client and design everything they do around them.

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - Customer Committed Team Award

This award is about your team running your practice so it operates without you being there. They’re using their initiative; they’re passionate about the whole business; they’re passionate about delivering everything to high standards.

It’s about creating a team that doesn’t need to be managed all of the time and that you can rely on to make decisions based on the values of the business.

And the winner is… Val Wishart and the team at Beyond the Numbers!

Val explains how the team have stepped up so remarkably – not just freeing up Val’s time but also boosting profits by 52% this year alone!

Learning from the 2021 AVN Awards winners - Business Clarity Award

This award is about establishing a crystal clear vision for your practice so that everybody in the team knows exactly what they’re striving towards and there’s a solid strategy in place to get there.

It’s about developing an ideal client attraction strategy too. Not working with just anybody that comes in, but being rigid about who you accept as clients.

And it’s also about reflecting the true value that you deliver and helping your business owner clients take action so they start to work fewer hours, earn more and worry less.

And the winner is… Phil Grafton of No Nonsense Accountancy!

Phil explains why he sacked a client who contributed 80% of his income and the difference it’s made to his business and his life.

Advisory work up by 600% since joining AVN

Essex accounting firm Wood & Disney has grown the advisory side of their business by 600% since becoming AVN members. In this video the partners explain how AVN has brought fresh ideas into their practice and helped them (and their team) gain the confidence to make change happen.

£54,000 in additional income within just 3 weeks of working with AVN

Jim Norrington acquired a practice where the previous owner had had to work an 80 hour week (yes, 80!) with 3 team members supporting 620 clients for an average fee per client of just £400.

For Jim, increasing fees and reducing the time burden on him were of paramount importance.

Jim briefly shares how he’s massively transforming his business so that his team are delivering more value for greater fees, freeing up Jim’s time to make the business more profitable in a leveraged way.

Within just 3 weeks, his AVN membership has paid for itself several times over and he’s seeing more and more benefits every week.

How to get paid 10 times more

Charlotte Tucker explains how using the AVN Time’s Up software helped redefine her relationship with a longstanding client – and get paid 10 times more.

How to build your accountancy practice the right way

When he started his accountancy practice, Chris Brown admits that he didn’t know what he was doing. He was working long hours, constantly firefighting and cashflow was poor – he even had to turn to the Bank of Mum and Dad to pay the wages. Things are very different now. In this interview, Chris explains how AVN gave him the confidence to build the accounting firm he wants; to work with the clients he wants; and to develop a team that runs his business for him.

For proven strategies to building a profitable, sustainable and value driven accountancy business, download Shane’s best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice – https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/.

How this accountant grows his practice 40% each year

Dan Heelan of Heelan Associates is growing his practice at 40% each year; gets thousands of views for his YouTube videos (and yes, they are about accounting); and has so many business leads he’s had to take on a sales team.

He shares how he constantly tweaks and refines his accountancy practice to get these amazing results.

For proven strategies to building a profitable, sustainable and value driven accountancy business, download Shane’s best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice – https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/.

"You get to do the things that you choose"

Award-winning accountant Michael Hemme shares his tips for transforming your cashflow and profits; achieving AVN Excellence 6 Star in just one year; making systems really work; and building an accountancy practice that rocks!

For proven strategies to building a profitable, sustainable and value driven accountancy business, download Shane’s best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice – https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/.

An accountancy practice that delivers on earnings, enjoyment and lifestyle

Nick Hume of Calcutt Matthews has completely transformed his accounting firm since he joined AVN in 2008. Within the first 3 months he had covered his membership fees (with no loss of income) and in the next 9 months his income rose from £38k to £150k. Now, he focuses on motivating and developing his team – with amazing results.

For proven strategies to building a profitable, sustainable and value driven accountancy business, download Shane’s best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice – https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/.

An accountant who knows where she’s going

Val Wishart was ready to quit. Her accountancy practice had no direction and she felt she was working for everyone else but herself. But now she knows exactly what she wants to achieve – and she has the time and focus to make it happen. Val explains how she did it.

Download Shane Lukas’ best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice, and start your journey to building a profitable, sustainable and value driven accountancy business. Get your copy here https://www.avn.co.uk/peip/.

This accountant increased her fees from £830 pm to £12000 pm – and the client happily paid.

Charlotte Karacaaslan of The Accountancy Space explains how AVN has helped her revolutionise her practice in less than a year. She now has the confidence to price her services at what they are really worth – including that phenomenal increase.

It all started for Charlotte when she read Shane Lukas’ best-selling book, Putting Excellence Into Practice. Get your copy now and start your journey to building a profitable, sustainable and value driven accountancy business. Download here.

"I took 2 weeks off at Christmas for the first time in 10 years"

Phil Grafton of No Nonsense Accountancy explains how his accountancy practice and his life have changed since joining AVN.

His profits are up by 30%, he’s working fewer hours so has time to spend with his family – and he’s even lost 16lb in weight. He’s motivated again, with the confidence to move his practice forwards.

Debtors halved, fees increased, more time to focus on best clients

Philip Cooksley of FB Accountancy has been working with AVN for less than a year, but in that time he’s made huge progress in transforming his practice:

  • Fees and cashflow have increased
  • Debtors have halved
  • He now has more time to spend on his best clients
  • His team are happier and more focused

In this short video he explains the challenges he was facing and how he overcame them.

"Accountants really need this kind of support"

Chris Brown of Brown & Co knew he was doing things wrong in his accountancy practice, but didn’t know how to change or where to start. He explains how being part of AVN has given him the confidence to create the kind of practice he really wants.

How AVN Benchmark helped a client's profits soar

Giles Corby of Merlin Accountants tells how he helped one of his clients to go from a loss to £80,000 profit in just 9 months by using the AVN Benchmark software.

"Had it not been for AVN I would not be enjoying the success I do today"

Award-winning accountant Gordon D’Silva reflects on the role AVN has played in his success and says thank you!

To find out more about how AVN could help you, book your free strategy session with Shane here  https://avn.pages.ontraport.net/strategysession

Is AVN worth the investment? The challenges for a small accountancy practice.

The owner of a small accountancy practice, explains the difference that joining AVN has made – higher quality clients, bigger fees and better profits.

“Something had to change … I love every minute of it now,” says Jean Farnan of Vectis Accountants in Hampshire.

To find out more or to book the strategy session Shane mentions, go to https://avn.pages.ontraport.net/strategysession

"Going to work is a pleasure now"

Steven Pitchford of Delegate Accountancy explains how AVN membership has changed his practice. With better work/life balance, better fees and a sense of being in control of what he does, Steven and his team are excited about the future. “We’re motivated to have conversations with clients because there’s more for us to offer.”

Building the confidence to move forward

Philip Harris recently started his journey with AVN and he’s been blown away by the support he’s had. He explains how drawing on the experience of the AVN team and other AVN members has helped to build his confidence in making change happen – “I can do this!”

“Join as soon as humanly possible.”

When Gareth Westwood set out to build his accountancy practice he thought he knew best – but he found he was digging an ever bigger hole for himself. Joining AVN and the support he’s had from his business coach and other members has made all the difference.

"I used to spend 80% of my time on my most demanding clients"

Steven Pitchford of Delegate Accountancy explains how grading his clients and using the AVN pricing tools means he now has time to really listen and understand what his clients need.

“I’ve regained the enthusiasm I had when I started my business."

After 26 years in practice, Herschel Santineer was unhappy, frustrated and ready to quit. He was doing the wrong type of work and charging the wrong fees. He explains how AVN’s support helped him regain his enthusiasm and give his practice a whole new impetus.

Explaining the value and charging a premium:

AVN Member Christopher Darby from Dab Hand Accounting shares his journey so far.  From struggling to price his services profitably and delivering the basic services to now value pricing his services and delivering added value services to clients.  He shares the processes he’s learned along the way and the approach he take with clients when they challenge him on price meaning that rather than crash the price, they understand the value and are happy to pay the price.

Charlotte Karacaaslan, The Accountancy Space Limited

Charlotte Karacaaslan, joined AVN in the midst of the Coronavirus Crisis. At a time when many accountants are fighting fires, Charlotte recognised the need to focus on improving her accountancy practice and her approach in order to reduce the fire fighting, deliver more help to her clients and improve her practice.
Charlotte’s practice, as she joined AVN, is very small. This is her story just 2 weeks in.

Overworked ‘bottleneck’ to a day a week ‘On’ the business.

Discover how Peter Fry from Littlehampton has turned his Practice and his life around in just 4 months working with AVN.

Michael Hemme, MDH

Michael Hemme, director of MDH, talks about how far he has come since joining AVN and what winning Firm of the Year in 2017 really meant to him and his Practice.

Nadeem Raja, Citiline

Nadeem Raja tells us about his experience at The AVN Masterclass and the benefits he got from coming.

Chris Brown, Brown & Co

Chris Brown tells us about his experience at The AVN Masterclass and the benefits he got from coming.

Peter Watkins, Blue Penguin

Peter Watkins tells us about his experience at The AVN Masterclass and the benefits he got from coming.

How to develop an Accountancy Business with exponential growth.

Paul Carvell grew his Practice from £800K in fees to over £5,000,000+ whilst simultaneously reducing his involvement down to a handful of days per month.
Watch this inspiring case study where Paul explains the steps he took to grow his Accountancy Practice largely organically from an £800K practice where he was un profitable, stressed, working long hours and really not enjoying life in his practice to what is now giving him complete choice on his role, his hours and his income.
Paul Carvell at SFB Group being interviewed by Shane Lukas, AVN – Inspiring Accountants

Jackie Hooper, The JDH Group

Jackie tells us that if you are an Accountant in Practice, it is a must that you join as an AVN Member. Watch the video to hear the reason why.

Val Wishart, Beyond The Numbers

Val was blown away by the AVN Masterclass and since joining as an AVN Member, her Practice had become more profitable, her team is more engaged and Val is a lot happier.

Gloria Murray, Murray Associates

Watch this video to find out how AVN helped Gloria Murray and her practice.

Brian Thompson, CPT

Winner of Business Clarity and Business Advisory Awards 2018

Michael Hemme, MDH

Winner of Customer Committed Team Award 2018

Val Wishart, Beyond The Numbers

Winner of High Profile Practice Award 2018

Fiona Jones, Grant Jones Accountancy Ltd

Winner of Practice Differentiation Award 2018

David Rudd, Wood and Disney

Winner of Changing Lives Award 2018

Jackie Hooper, The JDH Group

Winner of Consistently High Standards Award 2018

Gerry Murray, Murray Associates

Watch this video to find out why Murray Associates entered the AVN awards and what benefit they got from this?

Georgi Rollings, Starfish Accounting

Watch this video to find out how AVN has helped Georgi Rollings and her company Starfish Accounting.

Jackie Hooper, The JDH Group

Jackie Hooper from JDH share her story of how AVN has helped her and her practice over the years.

Brian Thompson, CPT

A great AVN story told by the director CPT.

Michael Hemme, MDH, Croydon

“We increased from £2,000 a month on standing orders up to £18,000 a month and that was in a space of a year. We’ve seen lock-up drop by 66%. So growing the practice has b…

Shaz Nawaz, AA Accountants, Peterborough

“The average fee per client has increased tenfold. The profits have gone up. I’m spending less time at the office. I’m taking holidays as I like. The team are happier. Clients…

Rennie Evans, Prospero Accountants

Shane Lukas from AVN interviews Rennie Evans of Prospero accountants about how he’s discovered an additional day per week by running his accountancy practice as a virtual office.

Paul Meades, Meades & Co

Paul had the task of turning around a traditional family firm with lots of clients, high debt and a large overdraft. In the 6 years since joining AVN they have turned their firm around, revolutionising their service offering. They now have positive cash flow, less clients, no overdraft and 6 figures in the bank.

Phil Ellerby, Northern Accountants

Phil Ellerby used to work from his garden shed for 70 hours a week, earning little and at the expense of spending quality time with his wife and son. In this video he talks about the journey that transformed his accountancy practice into one that makes a profound difference to clients, develops his team members and gives him the lifestyle he deserves.

AVN has helped thousands of accountants to grow their practice and change the way they live and work – get in touch if you’d like to do the same. Email info@avn.co.uk or call 01246 571191.